Amelia Earhart
See a full list of Amelia Earhart’s accomplishments and highlights.
A list of powerful quotes both by and about Amelia Earhart.
Learn more about the stunning life lead by THE, Amelia Earhart.
In her lifetime…
Equal rights
She was an instrumental supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment.
Best-selling books
About her flying experiences and achievements.
U.S. Distinguished Flying Cross
For her solo flight across the Atlantic ocean.

Want to learn more about continuing the legacy of Amelia Earhart?
Recent News
Amelia Earhart’s long-lost plane possibly detected by sonar 16,000 feet underwater, exploration team claims
Amelia Earhart’s disappearance over the central Pacific Ocean 87 years ago remains one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history. Countless theories […]
An Exploration Team Believes They Found Amelia Earhart’s Missing Plane. Here’s Why
An ocean exploration company claims to have found Amelia Earhart’s missing plane— a potential lead in the decades-long mystery over the legendary […]
Is this Amelia Earhart’s long-lost plane? Explorer believes he’s solved the great mystery with sonar
“There’s no other known crashes in the area, and certainly not of that era in that kind of design with the tail […]

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